
EVCUK Campaign Page

 Reporting Carriageway Problems

There are 2 online ways to do this,

1. Through CUK's own system

In both systems you can report defects, but you need to put the location on an online map, with a description. Its best if you have some measurements eg size and depth of a pothole, and I would also take a photo on a mobile, with something to scale it against eg a foot.

Sustrans Rangers needed for the Carlisle area.

Sustrans are looking for volunteer rangers for the Carlisle area. If you are willing to look after a section of the National Cycle Network (eg Hadrians Cycle Way) then please go to the following link and sign up. Sign up for the Carlisle Rangers vacancy not the Eden vacancy.
Its a rewarding task, and involves checking a section of NCN, reporting back to a Volunteer Coordinator, ordering signs from Sustrans and sticking them up. Contact myself if you would like more information.

Phil Blanshard