Sunday 6 October 2024

Club News

Thank you to everyone who joined in our Challenge Ride. The total raised will be confirmed at our AGM but I think we have just exceeded £2,500 for Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw - surpassing my wildest dreams!

Our AGM is on Saturday 19th October - see blog below. We hope for a good turn-out - the Committee needs input from all its members to keep the club doing what you want it to do. It is always a good social occasion especially if you come for the Bring and Share lunch - please register as we need numbers for the lunch.

See also the blog below about the proposed purchase of new Club Jerseys with thanks to Adella for all the hard work she has put in.

We had a sociable week as the coffee stop on Wednesday at Morland was supported by 19 riders, 5 of whom came with me and another 5 dipped their toe in the water with me! It was good to see Claire and Eileen too even if they're not yet quite ready to cycle!

Coming up on Wednesday Bill O is leading a ride from Hesket Newmarket to Cockermouth for coffee, return via Whinlatter and around the back of Derwentwater - sounds great. Please contact him if you wish to join him. I will be publishing my planned route to coffee at Granny Dowbekins though I haven't yet worked out what it is to be.

Sometimes I have to fight the temptation to stay warm and dry indoors but it's always worth it when I get out there!

Happy cycling,


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