Saturday 22 June 2024

Easy 2 bike ride tomorrow Sunday 23 June

Sorry for the late notice - Nigel and I seem to have been a bit clumsy falling off our bikes recently so I was uncertain whether we would be out...

Progress is good and the decision has been made to cycle so I'm inviting anyone who wishes to join me at Langwathby, departing at the later time of 10 am as it should only take us an hour to get to the Post Box at Dufton. Our route will be up to Skirwith and along the higher fellside roads, returning via the lower fellside road through Kirkby Thore and Temple Sowerby without, I think, retracing any of our route out!

The usual warning - I am always slow, probably compounded by not cycling much recently.

Hope to see a few of you - it's been a long time!


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