Monday 16 September 2024

Challenge Ride Pics

A few snaps on the Website 

Either use the button on the home page or here 

Strange not many pics on the rides (could this have anything to do with the weather?) If anyone has any please send me copies for our records/publication

Sunday 15 September 2024


To all those involved in today's Challenge rides. 

We set out to give people a good day out, to showcase a bit of this lovely area where we live, to raise a bit of money for a very special charity, Eden Valley Hospice, and to have a lot of fun.

We will have raised a significant amount of money for our chosen charity - we will blog when we know how much.

We missed Claire in the kitchen and we could have done without the rain, but no-one complained - not much, anyway! Every one was well fed and proud at the end of it, including the organisers.

Thank you to everyone who took part in any way; by providing soup or crumble (or both), helping in the organising or in the kitchen or simply by being out there cycling. Thanks to Border City Wheelers for the loan of their cycle signs. Special thanks to those who attended from Eden Valley Hospice and a special mention to Jonathan in the kitchen - please come again! 

That goes for all of you - not just Jonathan. It's the people we meet who make it all worthwhile.

We hope to see you again,

Happy cycling,

07500 564922

Tuesday 10 September 2024

2 bike ride from Langwathby tomorrow 11/09/24

Meet Langwathby at 9.30am.
This is a 50k route along the fellside to Dufton (possible coffee stop) and the ride continues around to Hilton before doubling back to Appleby for perhaps a second stop.
The return will be via Colby, Bolton and Culgaith.
I hope some of you can join me.
07549 131994

PS (GA) This ride will bear a remarkable resemblance to the Sunday 50km ride so those who cannot make it on Sunday could join Ernest. What's more they could contribute here !

Monday 9 September 2024

3 bike ride Wed 11th from Frenchfield

 Hi All. I am going to cycle from Frenchfield starting by the Cross Keys  at 9.30, and head for the coffee stop at Granny Dowbekins. The route is via Shap. After an early lunch the plan is to ride along Ullswater and up to Matterdale  Hause. Returning to Penrith via Dacre. Total about 49 miles. The route is here. The route can be shortened depending on weather, time and mood.   

Beacon Edge is closed hence the change of starting point. 

Chilly day with some rain, so wrap up warm.

Hope to have some company. Phil 07810751189

Saturday 7 September 2024

Sunday 8th September 2024

Sorry another late entry post (on runs list this morning). '2 cycle' ride from Bakery Melmerby at 0930. Langwathby (A686) Gt Salkeld Plumpton Up Front (to join 11s) c15.7 miles (may shorten to 14.3 miles around Gt Salkeld).

Return Skelton Laithes Penrith Golf Club Lazonby KO Glassonby Melmerby c22 miles.

Please let me know if you intend coming with me (07867 840534). Nigel L


Friday 6 September 2024

3 Ride Sunday 8th

 Scottish Solway Firth 

A late Sunday '3' ride offering. A quick check of the BBC Weather app for Sunday shows thundery showers for the lakes and sunny for SW Scotland, so Scotland is the place to be! (No doubt the forecast will change by the time Sunday arrives...😒)

This ride starts from Gretna car park on central avenue and heads out toward Dumfries for a lunch stop at Crichten Central Cafe (31miles), returning mostly along the coast. Ice cream stop at Powfoot if required?

Total distance about 62miles, very flat so you can enjoy the scenery. Route

I hope some of you can join me. Don't forget your sunglasses and sun-cream 😂

Text or WhatsApp Nigel P on  07590 605203