Thursday 17 January 2019

Dick Philips - Latest Information

Have just visited Dick in the Alston care home.  He is more or less confined to bed with very little physical energy, but mental facilities and humour undiminished -  although sadly enthusiasm for reading, current affairs etc has pretty much evaporated.  He is not expecting to return to his house in Nenthead and is sorting out 'things'.

Paraphrasing his own words (which he is happy for EV members to be aware of), Dick was not expecting to still be alive today, following diagnosis of prostate and other problems a while back and being given just months to live including a period in hospital at Carlisle.

But he's still here, feeling better than before and without much in the way of outward appearance suggesting inner issues, so who knows how long the future holds for Dick at 85. Thankfully he is unruffled about how and when .....

..... but he would like more visitors in the meantime! Being somewhat stoical, Dick hasn't made much effort to make contact with acquaintances such as us in EV. However if anyone can find the time to visit occasionally (20 minutes drive from Melmerby over Hartside), Dick would much appreciate it -plus visitors can expect interesting reminiscences on cycling and Iceland.

He does have a mobile phone 07851 762703 in his room, but being somewhat of a Luddite struggles to use it properly, so missed calls seem to be the norm!

Reminder, visiting at Grisedale Croft, Church Road, Alston (half way up the now partly cobbled street turn right and it's on your left) without appointment, but avoid meal times 12-1 and 4-5.

Any more information, just ask me.

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